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Time and again, people’s lives are harmed by the careless, reckless decision of someone who gets behind the wheel of a vehicle while intoxicated.  Unfortunately, we see another tragic example in a wreck that occurred on Interstate 440 in Raleigh, North Carolina.

The operator of a Prius – a man named Rex Houston Todd – was killed. His passenger – Mrs. Mary Louise Todd – was seriously injured as the result of an alleged drunk driver. The 21-year-old driver who appears to have caused this awful incident was operating a Toyota pickup truck.

The wreck appears to have been spurred when the pickup truck crossed the median near Jones Franklin Road and hit Mr. Todd’s Toyota Prius, according to

My deepest condolences go out to the Todd family. Losing someone you love is always heartbreaking, but the pain is exacerbated when the loss is sudden and totally unexpected. It also has to be infuriating to know that this incident may have been avoid if the 21-year-old driver exercised more caution and did not get behind the wheel while intoxicated.

Let’s hope Mrs. Todd makes a speedy recovery from her injuries.

The 21-year-old driver is now facing multiple criminal charges including driving while impaired, felony death by vehicle, felony serious injury by vehicle and reckless driving to endanger.

This incident is a stark reminder of the consequences of drunk driving. Three lives have now been permanently altered because of the 21-year-old driver’s decision to operate a vehicle while intoxicated (he’s now facing likely jail time and is likely liable for a wrongful death civil suit, based on the facts currently available).

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